Name: participants-data-submission Type: request Purpose: > Stores a CSV file with additional participant attributes on the server Response: receipt Inherits: message Elements: Signature: { required: true } From: { required: true } Date: { required: true } Participants-Data: { required: true, type: string, min_length: 3 } Id-Title: { required: true, type: string, min_length: 1, max_length: 32 } Delimiter: { type: string, min_length: 1, max_length: 1 } Enclosure: { type: string, min_length: 1, max_length: 1 } Escape: { type: string, min_length: 1, max_length: 1 } Rejection-Codes: 22: Column specified in Id-Title does not exist 31: Sender is not authorized to submit participants data Notes: > The CSV data (Participants-Data) must not contain line breaks within fields. The fields of the first line are taken as column titles. Id-Title is the title of the column containing the participant IDs.